Inspirational quotes


As the spring has come,it is the right time to make the changes and start something new. No matter what is your goal or passion, avoid any excuses and get started. Cheers to new beginnings and challenges. Happy weekend!
1.Strive for progress,not perfection.-Unknown
2.You want me to do something...tell me I can't do it.-Maya Angelou
3.The secret of getting ahead is getting started.-Mark Twain
4.You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.-Ruth E. Renki
5.Fear is what stops you...courage is what keeps you going.-Unknown
6.Energy and persistence conquer all things.-Benjamin Franklin
7.Strength does not come from physical capacity.It comes from an indomitable will.-Mahatma Grandi
8.Motivation will almost always beat mere talent.-Norman R.Augustine
9.You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.-Wayne Gretzky
10.The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race.-Unknown

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