First snow


November has just started and it arrived with a beautiful surprise- the first snow. I love the fact that winter is coming. Streets, trees and buildings are covered in a magic wand which makes everything look so pure and powdery.


Last Friday I went to the show "Kings on ice" were world-known figure skaters such as Florent Amodio, Evgeni Plushenko, Adelina Sotnikova and Brian Joubert (my idol) were performing. It was magical to see these stars by my own eyes as I have followed the world of ice-skating since my childhood (I used to practice this sport with my sister in the good old days and then changed dancing on the ice to ballroom dances and contemporary dance afterwards).

Dreams do really come true! 

Frenchman Brian Joubert in action (by svetapoln)
After this dark day all I wanted to do was to focus on positive memories. I hope for unity and brighter future! Best wishes, Zane.

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  1. Snow! Funnily enough, in Canada where I live, we had snow in the middle of October I think it was, for like, a week. Now it's sunny?! Oh well. Weather for us has been kind of crazy, haha!

    Kyia at WANDERLUSTGIRL// lifestyle & beauty
    Let’s be BLOGLOVIN friends!

    1. Hello, Kyia! Wow, snow in the middle of October, that is something! :) Similar here- weather has changed so quickly. I would love to visit beautiful Canada someday.
      Best wishes, Zane
